brunette woman and blond child sitting at a piano bench together playing a piece for a recital

Tips for Starting Piano Lessons

Updated: Jan 12

You’ve had your trial lesson and now you’re ready for on-going lessons! Congrats! This is the start of your child’s musical journey!

Here are some things to remember to ensure lessons flow smoothly!

1. If you’ve read the “Tips for a Smooth Trial Lesson” list, then you already have your piano/keyboard in a calm and quiet space, or are aware of your family’s noise level during lessons. But, let me reiterate: learning a new instrument takes a lot of focus. Since we have a unique opportunity to learn in your home, your child will be more prone to distractions from siblings, pets, dinner smells, etc. Being aware of these distractions and keeping them to a minimum will be very helpful!

2. A small notebook and/or a 3-ring binder are really handy to keep notes and extra papers I might give out! If you have storage nearby the piano or in the piano bench, that would be great so the student always knows where their materials are.

3. I will send you the lesson book/theory workbooks I want to work through with your student. Please order those as soon as you can, so we can begin to make notes in their books and they can have a sense of ownership over them!

4. I keep a timer during lessons, so you don’t need to watch the clock or stay in the same space. If you can be aware of the time when lessons end, though, so I can give you a quick update at the end of the lesson, that would be great! I have a tight schedule most days, so only have time for a few minutes of updates before I need to head out.

5. In that same vein, the nature of in-home lessons means your start time is a window. Be aware that I may arrive 5-10 minutes later than the planned time, as I am talking with parents post-lessons, or sometimes running into traffic. I will do my best to let you know of time changes, but if you have a very strict timeframe, please let me know so we can schedule accordingly.

6. I organize an annual recital to give students an opportunity to show off what they’ve been working on! Participation is optional, but it is usually a positive experience for students. We will work towards performing a song that is more recognizable or a little challenging from normal lessons. I will communicate these details plus the recital fee as soon as the details come together!

Thank you so much for trusting me with your child’s music education! I can’t wait to get started!


Ms. Krystol